So, in honor of the word becoming a part of the Oxford dictionary (what is this world coming to?!) I've decided to share some of my legendary selfies. Enjoy.
Syllabification: (sel·fie)
Pronunciation: /ˈselfē/
(also selfy)
noun( plural selfies)
Pronunciation: /ˈselfē/
(also selfy)
a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website:
occasional selfies are acceptable, but posting a new picture of yourself everyday isn't necessary
The "I'm so sexual at 16" inappropriate MySpace Selfie |
The "I'm exhausted but some boy wanted a picture" Selfie |
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The "How did I make a GIF and have no idea, but this is cool and it's St. Patrick's Day" Selfie |
The "I didn't know my glasses where crooked until now" Selfie |
The "So then I fixed them, took most of my face out, and filtered the sh*t out of it" Selfie |
The "I'm on a date with a cute boy, I should document this, and my hair looks awesome" Selfie |
The "What do my friends think of my dress" Selfie |
The "Capture how blue my eyes are/duck face/high school throw back" Selfie |
The intentional "Let's take a selfie for the purpose of taking a selfie" Selfie |
The "Sexual, hungry, possibly constipated" Selfie |
The "I feel skinny betches and I'm a Senior - Zero F*cks" Selfie |
The "I'm going to be artistic and make a statement about beauty" Selfie |
The "Let's be honest, my hair looks fab and I'm feeling hot" Selfie |
There ya go. Some are slightly embarrassing. But hey, if you're gonna selfie and share, you better own that selfie. Let haters hate. Do what makes you feel good. And hey - Van Gogh selfied too.
P.S. Ya - I made selfie a verb.